Apple Script API
SideNotes provides Apple Script API. It allows to manipulate notes and folders. To see the full reference you should press ⇧⌘O in Script Editor app and choose SideNotes from the list.
A good example of SideNotes' Apple Script usage is our Alfred Workflow. You can download it and take a look at scripts. Please note that they have been written in JavaScript.
Getting all folders
tell application "SideNotes"
get every folder
end tell
Get all folder names
tell application "SideNotes"
get name of every folder
end tell
Adding a new folder
tell application "SideNotes"
make new folder with properties { name: "New folder" }
end tell
Modifying folder name
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to make new folder with properties { name: "New folder" }
set name of f to "Better name"
end tell
Deleting existing folder
In this example, a new folder is created and immediately deleted.
tell application "SideNotes"
make new folder with properties {name:"New folder to delete"}
set f to get first folder where name is "New folder to delete"
delete f
end tell
Getting all notes in a folder
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to first folder
get notes in f
end tell
Getting all notes
tell application "SideNotes"
get notes
end tell
Getting a note by ID
tell application "SideNotes"
get first note whose id is "..."
end tell
Please note that "..." must be replaced with a note ID. To get the ID, click Share button of the note and choose Copy Note Identifier option.
Adding a new note
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to first folder
make new note in f with properties { text: "Hello World" }
end tell
Modifying a note
tell application "SideNotes"
set n to first note of first folder
set text of n to "Note text"
end tell
Deleting existing note
In this example, a new note is created and then deleted
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to first folder
set n to make new note in f with properties { text: "Hello World" }
delete n
end tell
Exporting images of a note
Here is an example of exporting images of the first note of the first folder to Desktop.
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to first folder
set n to first note
export images of note n to "~/Desktop"
end tell
Opening folder
tell application "SideNotes"
set f to first folder where name is "New Folder"
open folder f
end tell
Show all folders
tell application "SideNotes"
show all folders
end tell
The result of this command is returned in a dictionary-format. It consists of 4 keys:
- an unique identifier of a note or a foldertype
- title of the search resultdetails
- additional text to be displayed in the search result
tell application "SideNotes"
search "hello"
end tell
Search Notes
The result of this command is an array of Note
tell application "SideNotes"
search notes "hello"
end tell
Search Folders
The result of this command is an array of Folder
tell application "SideNotes"
search folders "hello"
end tell
Search Themes
The result of this command is a dictionary which consists of the following keys:
- theme namepath
- path of the theme file
tell application "SideNotes"
search themes "Default"
end tell
Set Theme
To set a theme you need to know its path and the theme must have been already installed.
The theme path you may get by using search themes
tell application "SideNotes"
set theme "the-path"
end tell
Show Preferences
This command just shows the Preferences window.
tell application "SideNotes"
show preferences
end tell