
Need to get something down before you forget it? Stymied by wondering if it should live in Notes or Asana or Evernote or email or a sticky note? Just put it here and deal with it later
Matthew Sallin
Matthew Sallin
I've been using this for a few weeks and finally have discovered where it fits into my daily workflow. When I have an idea that I know I will want to reference at a later time I will jot it in one of my notes.
Then as I need it later I cut it out of the note and I free up one of the five again for later. The best feature of these notes is that the menu item will stay active even when I click out of it so I can use it as a reference and continually add new thoughts to it. Great for notetaking while reading an article, or creating a temporary to-do list whilst going through email. It has more than a few uses and will stay in my menu bar for a while.
I have tried many Notes app, so far, the one that suits my needs is FiveNotes. It is elegant, minimalist, and accepts markdown. There is no need to open an app or a new window to write a note. With FiveNote minimalist window, I can quickly add my thoughts and share if necessary
It is like I designed it myself - it is exactly what I have been looking for for years. Brilliant in its simplicity. The five notes concept is not something I had thought of, but it is perfect as it forces you to clear them out and save in a more permanent format