iCloud Synchronization
Remember those days when you had to take all your notes in the floppy disk with you? Or on a pendrive? E-mail, maybe? Nevermind! Now you can see all your notes on all your devices
A very big upgrade to our tiny app
Remember those days when you had to take all your notes in the floppy disk with you? Or on a pendrive? E-mail, maybe? Nevermind! Now you can see all your notes on all your devices
In general, people can be divided in two groups: those who make backups and those who will make backups. FiveNotes 3 does automatic backups for you, so even if you overwrite some notes, you can restore them all.
FiveNotes 2 introduced subset of Markdown. Now it's improved and offers even more: `::mark::`, [ ] tasks (which are nicely rendered.)
Actually, it's not FiveNotes 3 feature, but a separate app, but it's worth to mention. Now, FiveNotes can go wherever you go. With you, in your pocket, on your iPhone. Or on your iPad while you sit on your couch.
Notes have their own colors now! Actually, it depends on the theme. If you don't like colors, we've made such themes for you, as well.
Automatization is now everywhere and FiveNotes likes to be automatized, as well! You can simply do it using Apple Shortcuts. FiveNotes provides actions to add and modify text of each note, show particular note or even hide the app.
This is automatization, too. However, it's for more geeky people. Apple Script API allows to modify notes and show or hide the app.
Again! Automatization is everywhere, isn't it? Using URL API you can quickly write URL-s that will modify note (or just add some text to it), or show or hide the app.
Share extension is such a standard theses days. So here it is. You can quickly add a link from Safari or a piece of text from any other app.
Now you can detach the app window and move it anywhere you need.
That's one of the bets features in FiveNotes 3. You can quickly jot down some tasks. Especially useful if you're working on something and need to break down some bigger tasks into small steps. And when you're ready, just click and you'll see the checkmark. It's so satisfying!
Changing colors is great, but for real work, you need your favourite font. Now, you can set any font you like. And even set its size.
Indentations is a great way to organize lists. Especially task list! It's what you brain will thank you for! Just press Tab while having selected text (or Command-]) and enjoy the beauty of order.
Now you can have small notes, big notes or even middle-size notes. It's all up to you!
Basically, FiveNotes adjusts its UI to your system appearance. But sometimes it's nice to have some contrast and set dark mode in light environment. Or the other way around.
It's such a small improvement, but we really like it! If your note is scrollable, the bottom part will slightly change.
It's so satisfying and simple! Swipe left or right. On your touchpad or on your magic mouse.
As you've probably noticed, FiveNotes uses Markdown to format text. And you don't need know know all that Markdown syntax to use it. Just press the As button.
Normally, it's hidden, but when you move your mouse cursor to the top left, you'll notice an X button that closes the window.
It's one of these feature that's not obvious, but it so nice. If you move the app window near you screen edge, it will be snapped. Just try it!
There are many ways to show your five notes. You can click the menubar icon. You can press the keyboard shortcut. OK, that's actually two. But anyway, now you can set it to open near your cursor. Quite convenient when you're making just a quick note or you want to drag and drop some text.
New FiveNotes brings new dots. Now, you can drop on them some text which will be added to the note. And if you just drag and hold, then FiveNotes will open the note for you.
If you like to have FiveNotes in the perfect position, press the mouse button on the menubar icon and window will be centered under the FiveNotes icon. Additionally, when you simultaneously hold Option key, the window will be centered on your screen. It's so cosy, isn't it?
It's quite revolutionary thing! From now on, you don't have to read the same note over and over again to find what you're looking for. Simply press Command-F and start typing.
Have you accidentally smashed your mouse while working with some demanding FPG? Or your computer accidentally fall down when you kid jump under the desk (real story!) and now you don't have working touchpad? Don't worry! You can use FiveNotes with your keyboard whenever you need.
Have you ever had to note down a color? You know, that hexadecimal number followed by a hash? How about multiple colors that you can't render it in your brain? FiveNote will do it for you. If you enter (or paste, you can do that in FiveNotes, too) an #rrggbb color, FiveNotes will display a circle of that color. You can even click it to quickly copy it. It's great when you're juggling with a few colors between a few apps.
If you click outside the app, it will hide. That's how physics work here. But here you can also overwrite some physics laws. Simply click on the Pin button in the top right (it's hidden until you move your cursor over there) and the window will stay whenever you place it!
Note: FiveNotes Mobile is a separate app and costs $3.99 (one time payment)
You can download this release here.