
Workspaces browser (popover) can be driven using keyboard only. Here we provide list of all the keyboard shortcuts.

To increase your productivity even more, you can browse and open your workspaces and resources using keyboard only. And because shortcuts are intuitive, it's quite easy to remember them.

Opening the Workspace Browser

To open Workspaces Browser simply press . You can change this shortcut in Preferences. Workspaces Browser


Navigation is performed by pressing arrows: and . To enter to a Workspace (to see its resources) press  or . Leaving the workspace is similar ‐ just press .

Start or Edit a Workspace

While being on Workspaces list you don't have to enter one to run it. All you need is to press . You can also edit the workspace by pressing .


  • opens Workpsace Browser
  • enters the selected workspace
  • enters the selected workspace
  • goes back to workspace list
  • starts the selected workspace (opens all the resources with the purple dot)
  • edits selected workspace
  • click-on-menubar-icon opens the browser with workspaces list